Dental Emergencies

We know that there is no way to plan for dental emergencies and we know how scary these experiences can be for a parent. When your child has experienced a dental emergency, we are available by phone after hours to discuss the best course of action.

If your child has experienced a serious injury, call 911 or take them to the nearest emergency department. Signs of serious injury include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Blurred vision or slurred speech
  • Bleeding that will not stop with pressure

You may call our emergency line if there are no signs of serious injury and any of the following has occurred:

  • Severe, lasting toothaches/ other types of tooth pain
  • Wounds in or around the mouth
  • The tooth appears to be fractured and/or moved out of place
  • A partially or fully knocked out tooth
    • Do not re-insert a fully knocked out baby tooth
    • A fully knocked out permanent tooth requires quick treatment, contact us as soon as possible

When in doubt, please contact us and we will give advice on the best course of action.

Lost Tooth Due to Trauma – A Guideline

First determine if the tooth is a baby tooth or an adult (permanent) tooth.

Permanent tooth: Ideally, rinse the tooth with spit and place it back into the socket (hold it by the tooth crown, do not touch the root if possible). Have the child hold it in place by lightly biting on a gauze or towel if they are able. If this is not possible, place the tooth in milk (NOT WATER) and call our office immediately. If “Save-A-Tooth” is available on site, this is the best option to store the tooth until the child is seen by our pediatric dentist. Time is crucial in this scenario.

Baby teeth should never be put back into place. Instead, put the tooth under the child’s pillow for the Tooth Fairy. 

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